Visit to “Fundación María José Jove” Art Collection

Yesterday (14th of November) 5th and 6th Grade students have visited the Art Collection of the “Fundación María José Jove”. In this post we are going to show the summary of our itinerary.

In the guided visit we talked about the different “languages of the paitings”. We started our discoveries speaking about the origins of painting. It was in the prehistoric period, where the cavemen and cavewomen used to decorate their caves.

With “La marchande de la mode” (1984) by Franscesc Masriera i Manovens, we spoke about realism. As the name indicates, with this style painters tried to express real images. With the beginning of photography, this style was obsolete.

La marchande de la mode

After that, we spoke about abstract painting with “Rampante” (1934) by Kandinsky. In abstract paintings we have to look at the colors and think about the sensations the paintings give us. In this picture we can find bright colors and movement. It leads us to imagine happiness, dancing and music.

rampante kandinksy

The next step was to observe five canvases of the same theme: the still life.

bodegón con naipes

The language of realism corresponds to “Bodegón con naipes” (1940) by Ismael González de la Serna. We can distinguish easily the elements of the drawing.




bodegón picasso


Pablo Picasso represents the still life with straight lines. In “Poire, verre et citron” (1922) we can talk about cubism.





Without reading the explanation of the canvas we can’t imagine what it is. This abstract painting “Tórculo” was made by Xaime Cabanas in 1989. It represents the still life as well.



bodegón seoane

Luis Seoane decided to use a figurative language in his “Bodegón” (1969). Here the figures are a bit altered but we can identify the theme.



naturaleza viva maruja mallo


As a representation of a surrealist still life we have Maruja Mallo (“Naturaleza viva”, 1943). The surrealist painting is based in the dream world, in the subconscious. She used seaweed and shells but she has changed their colors. We can see the shape of a face.




Mateo Maté surprised us with “Cuadro muerto” (2015). In this conceptual work of art the author wants to give us a message and to make us reflect on the animal industry.

mateo maté

We also entered in an artistic installation. This is a style where the painting was made to enter and experience with all the body. It was called “Habitación vegetal IV” (1999) by Cristina Iglesias.

instalación artística cristina iglesias


picasso la modele dans l`atelier


In “La modele dans l’ atelier” (1965), Picasso uses abstract and figurative languages.







“Vinos El Rivero” (1984) was picasso vinos el riveromade in his first period. It’s completely realistic.






Students were very impressed by Spider home (2002), a sculpture made by Louise Bourgeois. Here she has represented maternity by using a spider as a symbol because she felt rejected by her parents.araña burgeois

Finally, we have enjoyed seeing “Marina” (1962) by Lugrís. It’s a painting made originally on a wall of a bar in A Coruña. lugrís marina

If you want to complete your information, just click here: Autores- Fundación María José Jove







Proxecto “Os 26 compositores e compositoras de 6º”

Na primeira semana do curso levamos a cabo un sorteo mediante o cal cada neno e nena da aula se lle asignou o nome dun compositor/a. Co nome atribuído será como nos chamaremos na aula. No seguinte enlace podedes ver as tarxetas de compositores cos que traballamos:  compositores_tarxetas.

A partir de aí estamos a realizar un libro viaxeiro no que cada semana se recollerá un resumo da vida do compositor/a correspondente e unha das súas obras, seguindo o seguinte modelo: Ficha_modelo.