Canadian exposition

The Canadian exposition  is ready! Students will learn different aspects related to Canada  including languages, history, weather,  food… You  can take  a look here:

Also, I proposed to 5th and 6th Grade a Canadian quiz. If they answer correctly the 11 questions on it, they will receive a nice surprise! Remember, the deadline is next Monday. Good luck!

What can I say to myself?

Self-talk is the constant stream of conversation you have with yourself. It includes the statements you say to youself like “I’m really good at sports” or “I’m just bad at Chemistry”. Self-talk can have a huge influence on your self-esteem and confidence. There is positive and negative self-talk and they both have an impact on how you feel and how you think. Learning to control your self-talk can help you develop a growth mindset.



The task required was: for each of the fixed mindset, self-talk statementes written in the handout, write a new, helpful statement that will support a growth-mindset perspective. The first few are done as examples 🙂
